CodeUp Coffee

Espresso yourself.

Unique Flavors

Unique Coffees

Unique Experiences

Ian McConihay, 25 years old, realized after establishing a family and deciding to take on a highly intensive course to become a backend software engineer that there was no way he was going to get through it without caffeine. In an assigned group project he met Rhiannon Hayes, 18 years old, who hasn’t left the house in two years. She too finds that caffeine is the only way to get through this vigorous program. Over their mutual love and addiction to caffeine, they decided to open a coffee shop.

What they didn’t realize is that in opening a coffee shop, they were going to need a website, which would end up being hours and hours of code. In the process, they also realized the importance of everyone’s unique blends and decided to add functionality and choice, allowing you to experience more than your typical Starbucks cup of joe. Grab your mug and experience Code-Up Coffee!

It took a lot of hard work to create the website; sweat, stress and caffeine went into ensuring the final product was without rival and would stand above the standard, bland coffee shop websites that plague the internet today. Code-Up coffee is determined to bring you unique flavors, unique coffees, and unique experiences that can't be found anywhere other than here.

After completing all of the required code to create a beautiful website and stand apart from your everyday Starbucks, Ian and Rhiannon decided to sell the world’s most expensive coffee. For those of you unaware of the unique flavors of Kopi Luwak, it is worth the thirty dollars. There are few coffees on earth made from the excrement of animals. Our unique blend comes from the sub-Saharan African civet. We are proud to pronounce that three dollars from every cup of our unique and rare coffee goes directly back to protecting the civets of Indonesia. These beautiful animals, with their unique, digestive enzymes, change the structure of the proteins in coffee beans which removes some of the acidity to make for the smoothest cup of coffee. We invite you to enjoy our brews!

Coffee Club Memberships

Take a look at our Coffee Club Memberships and see what perks you can get by signing up!

Prime Member

-Exclusive Email Newsletter

-Monthly Coupons

$5.99 per month

Classy Member

-All Prime Member Perks

-Renewable points after every purchase

-Access to Home Delivery

$15.99 per month

Posh Member

-All Prime and Classy Member Perks

-DOUBLE POINTS after every purchase

-10% off Home Delivery purchases

-One free coffee EVERY month

$25.99 per month

Our Brews

Check out some of our pre-made options from our menu!

    Coffee Name



Make your own coffee; we'll add it to our menu!

    Coffee Name